Train Station,, Bilbao, Spain, '94
Copyright Michael Seewald, all rights reserved.
Valerie and I were working in Spain (well I was making
art, she helped by carrying the heavy wide angle lens, I carried everything
else), it was my second time there, and I was enamored with this scene, and
knew it to be a winner, for me, instantly.
First, it had great light, it was not blown out with too much, but was
nicely back lit, and a bit of city smog helped to soften it even more.
Secondly, it had a great natural framing. Thirdly it had a lot of interest
as I knew the train on the right was at first not noticeable as one, it is
so reflective it just looks to be part of the city, until you look at it for
a moment, then you are aware it's there. Fourthly, the movement of the
trains coming and going added a surreal effect, a Seewaldian ghost effect.
BUT, a policeman came up and in poor English asked if I'd gotten permission
to shoot the station. I asked why, did I need it. "Yes", he replied, and
stopped me from taking it. I folded up the tripod and put away the camera,
made my ways downstairs where I found a ticket salesman and asked if he
scratch a note out saying it was ok for me to take pictures. "Sure", he
said, and did so. I went back upstairs, showed it to the policeman, and made
this stunning piece, TUL.
NOTE: 8.9'.12 / We just sold one this month, $15,000 for a 40x50" image, and
we will drive to Las Vegas to deliver and hang it for the customer tomorrow.
We believe in good customer service, as you can see. Besides, many collectors
don't have 'an eye' for what looks good, height wise, space wise.

Page uploaded 8.1.12