teenagerDo you want to make and learn good photographic techniques in north san diego county? Well, Seewald digital 35mm, medium and large format photography classes are also for Orange County students. Poto workshops, field photographic workshops and photo classes are fun to take. Photographia, also known as arte in Del Mar, photographic art, limited editon art, photos, amateur, intermediate and advanced folks! Even Ansel Adams and Edward Weston could have used Seewald's art class
Michael Seewald's
Photographic Art Classes
San Diego, Carmel, Yosemite,
Napa-Sonoma Valley and International workshops.
Teenager testimonial page.
Seewald's photographic 'fun-shops'
proudly sponsored by:
Chrome Digital of San Diego
"They've printed hundreds of my enlargements over the decades, awesome company. Great copy work
for painters too, they shoot and give you a giant file at very reasonable prices." MS
Pro Camera Repair, San Diego.
"Taken my cameras here for decades, always top notch work. I need my cameras
working properly in distant places, and I trust them to keep them in tip top shape." MS
North Coast Photographic Services
"One of the last labs around that processes film, and they do mine now. I've had work done
here for decades. Serious technicians here, feel confident to get quality work done." MS
"My daughter Jessica and I learned to see through the lens with an artist's eye. Michael's lighting and exposure tips at the end were extremely helpful."
Barbara R Wiener and 15 year old daughter Jessica
Irvine, CA., beginner level photographer.
Class of 8/'03
We have had more and more teenagers sign up recently. Do you have one that wants to learn about art and photography?
Kayli V., a 16 year old from La Jolla, Calif., intermediate photographer that loves shooting bands already, had this to say on the critique form:
personal_attention_day1: 10 - Very satisfied- handled all my questions
personal_attention_day2: 10 - Very satisfied- handled all my questions
length_of_class_day1: A bit long
length_of_class_day2: Just right
class_materials_day1: Well informed, read the pre-class info page
class_materials_day2: Well informed, read the pre-class info page
How_helpful_was_class: 10 - Very helpful
How_satisfied: 10 - Very satisfied
value_for_the_money: About right (especially since she did not have to pay ;/).
quote_me: ON
name: Kayli VerSteeg
How_was_michael_as_an_instructor: He was extremely patient with me and all the other students. He would repeat concepts we found difficult in a number of ways until we all understood it.
How_was_Michaels_teaching_style: I liked the balance of fun and teaching. I think he has it pretty well mastered.
ForEveryon_how_tough_respectful_day1_critiquing: He was just as tough as necessary and helped me compose solid pictures
ForEveryon_how_tough_respectful_day2_critiquing: He was extremely helpful and would share his opinions but still make us compose the pictures on our own.
short_paragraph_of_how_it_was: The class was an in depth extensive two day funshop. It taught me very much that I didn't know. It covered everything from how to manipulate the camera the way you need to, to how to compose solid award winning photographs and even how to edit your previous pictures to be winners. I really enjoyed the class and highly recommend it to anyone interested in photography.
Kayli VerSteeg, age 16, of La Jolla, Calif.,
Class of 5.3-4.'08
Here is a critique form from Nicole O. (last name withheld per request), age 14, of Davis, CA..
She joined us for a three day in Napa in Sept. of '08.
personal_attention_day1_10_being VERY SATISFIED: 9
personal_attention_day2_10_being VERY SATISFIED: 9
length_of_class_day1: Just right
length_of_class_day2: Just right
length_of_class_day3: Just right
class_materials_day1: Well informed, read the pre-class info page
class_materials_day2: Well informed, read the pre-class info page
How_helpful_was_class: 8
How_satisfied_overall: 10 - Very satisfied
value_for_the_money: Way more value than what I paid
(this is cute, her parents paid of course).
quote_me: ON
name: Nicole O.
How_was_michael_as_an_instructor: Michael was very helpful and explained concepts very well. He was consistent and stuck with me through my problems.
How_was_Michaels_teaching_style: He balanced fun and teaching well, and I learned without feeling too pressured.
ForEveryon_how_tough_respectful_day1_critiquing: He was a hard critic, but all his criticism was well-meant and helped immensely.
ForEveryon_how_tough_respectful_day2_critiquing: He was tough but maintained a sense of respect by explaining that everyone had different opinions while sharing his own.
short_paragraph_of_how_class_was_overall: The first day, we all got to know one another. It was a long day of learning concepts but was well worth sticking through. The following two days were extremely constructive, and I left feeling satisfied that I had learned as much as I could in a three day period. Michael was both honest and respectful, and I would love to take more of his classes.
Beg_too_tough_day_ONE?: Most were illustrated well enough that I could gather a basic understanding for each concept. I don't think that I would have understood Michael's comments later on without the first day. I enjoyed seeing the work of others in the class as well. Critiquing work was fun, inspiring, and helpful.
beginners_day_ONE_anything_should_be_done_differently?: no
Beg_Day2_Was_tech_tooToughOrEasy_And_Benefits_Recd: Once I began using the camera outside, taking my own pictures, it was easier to understand the concepts that had been outlined in day one. The technical info was, once again, well explained.
beginners_day_TWO_anything_done_differently?: I thoroughly enjoyed each and every aspect of the field work. I was challenged to the point where I felt I had to strive for something without getting overly frustrated.
Thanks guys/gals for talking the time to pen your thoughts, future students will be blessed, and they will add there thoughts, blessing others, etc.. MS
Seewald's photographic 'fun-shops'
proudly sponsored by:
Dolica Tripods
This line of carbon fiber and aluminum tripods won't break the bank.
We've got point and shoot tripods all the way up to heavy duty, large camera supports.
Pro Camera Repair, San Diego.
SAVE 10% on first order, just mention ‘Seewald workshop discount’
"Taken my cameras here for decades, always top notch work. I need my cameras
working properly in distant places, and I trust them to keep them in tip top shape." MS
Back to regular testimonial page.
Back to main photo 'fun-shop' page.
I would like to personally thank the many students whose praise
makes my work all the more enjoyable. Thanks for
taking the time to critique me, encourage me and to help me improve too. MS
Go to Guest book and request more
info/sign up for class dates announcements.
Go to home page.

added 2.27.09
reset to 0 7.25.11
teenagerDo you want to make and learn good photographic techniques in north san diego county? Well, Seewald digital 35mm, medium and large format photography classes are also for Orange County students. Poto workshops, field photographic workshops and photo classes are fun to take. Photographia, also known as arte in Del Mar, photographic art, limited editon art, photos, amateur, intermediate and advanced folks! Even Ansel Adams and Edward Weston could have used Seewald's art class,young adult, teenagers and teenager,yosemite, yosemite