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Michael Seewald's
China 1987
Click for Tibet 2004 series. (6)
Click for Sichuan Province 2004 series (37)
Click for Yunnan Province 2008 series (35)
Click for Dali, Yunnan Province, 2011 (16)
Go to Michael's 2011 Kunming, China museum exhibition:
Michael Seewald's 2011 Kunming China at
Yuan Xiaocen Museum photographic exhibition
Below: A few selections from China, 1987
and links to Yunnan, Sichuan and Tibet portfolios
by Michael Seewald
All rights reserved, no use without written permission.
Michael has made three trips to China now: the first in 1987
and was his second sponsored series; his second was to Sichuan
Province and Tibet, in 2004 and his third
was in 2008, to Yunnan Province.

Click on image to enlarge.
Seewald at the Great Wall of China, 1987.
Note: Most of these image show neither the quality nor the final cropping, as
they were all scanned too tight compared to the originals quite a few years back.
If you have any interest, ask us and we will e-mail you the image properly cropped/printed.
These were 25 sponsors of this series, with 35 images to choose from.
thus are sponsored, thus very limited, thus higher in price.

Click on image to enlarge
Cropped tighter on scan than really is.
Sides of circle are all in.
Hangzhou, China 1987
Mr. & Mrs. Jake King
Printed on archival paper.
10 - 16"x20" framed to 23" x 28" ....$40,000
Increases to $50,000 after next sale.
Not available in any other size.
Five of 10 are spoken for on this image, 7 remain. Scheduled price increases are posted at bottom of page.

Click on image to enlarge
Xian, China 1987
Mike Rowe
San Diego, Ca.
Printed on archival paper.
10 - 16"x20" framed to 23" x 28" ....$50,000
Increases to $100,000 after next sale.
Not available in any other size.
Six of 10 are spoken for on this image, 7 remain. Scheduled price increases are posted at bottom of page.
One of two of Seewald's highest priced
pieces of art, to date:

Click image to enlarge and read story.
Pianoman, 1987"
Shanghai, China
Tom Spinelli, Poway, CA
Printed on archival paper.
10 - 16"x20" framed to 23" x 28" ....$100,000
Increases to $500,000 after next sale.
Not available in any other size.
Seven of 10 are spoken for on this image, 3 remain. Scheduled price increases are posted at bottom of page.

Click on image to enlarge
Xian, China '87
Six-time Sponsor:
Valerie Wong
Del Mar, Ca.
Printed on archival paper.
10 - 16"x20" framed to 23" x 28" ....$20,000
Increases to $30,000 after next sale.
Not available in any other size.
Three of 10 are spoken for on this image, 7 remain. Scheduled price increases are posted at bottom of page.

Click on image to enlarge
Hangzhou, China, 1987
Five-time sponsor:
Jay & Heidi Short
Rancho Santa Fe, Ca.
Printed on archival paper.
10 - 16"x20" framed to 23" x 28" ....$30,000
Increases to $40,000 after next sale.
Not available in any other size.
Six remain of this image. Scheduled price increases are posted at bottom of page.

Click on image to enlarge
Hangzhou, China, '87
Multi-sponsor: David Hodges,
Solana Beach, Ca
Printed on archival paper.
10 - 16"x20" framed to 23" x 28" ....$30,000
Increases to $40,000 after next sale.
Not available in any other size.
Six remain of this image. Scheduled price increases are posted at bottom of page.

Click image to enlarge and read story.
Xian, China '87
'The Three Graces'
Five-time Sponsor:
John Lefferdink,
Cardiff, CA
Printed on archival paper.
10 - 16"x20" framed to 23" x 28" ....$100,000
Increases to $500,000 after next sale.
Not available in any other size.
Seven of 10 are spoken for on this image, 3 remain. Scheduled price increases are posted at bottom of page.

Click on image to enlarge
Hangzhou, China, 1987
Eight-time Sponsor:
David J. Grell,
El Cajon, CA
Printed on archival paper.
10 - 16"x20" framed to 23" x 28" ....$20,000
Increases to $30,000 after next sale.
Not available in any other size.
Three of 10 are spoken for on this image, 7 remain. Scheduled price increases are posted at bottom of page.

Click on image to enlarge
Traditionally Dressed Woman Musician,
Bamboo Park, Shanghai, China, 1987
Sponsored by Steven Roski. (good scan)
She was a musician in a bamboo forest park and played some sort of sitar instrument with a few other folks dressed in traditional garb. She had a certain look that grabbed me, but refused to pose. I had my interpreter tell her I'd give her a Polaroid and she then agreed to. I did not pose her, it was a natural pose she took, which looked as if she were about the play the bamboo. One of Valerie's favorites from this series.
Printed on archival paper.
10 - 16"x20" framed to 23" x 28" ....$20,000
Increases to $30,000 after next sale.
Not available in any other size.
Three of 10 are spoken for on this image, 7 remain. Scheduled price increases are posted at bottom of page.
NOTE: 2010, was chosen to be a book cover for an Italian publisher, a story of a Vietnamese love story, written in Italian!
Printed on archival paper.
10 - 16"x20" framed to 23" x 28" ....$20,000
Increases to $30,000 after next sale.
Not available in any other size.
Three of 10 are spoken for on this image, 7 remain.
Scheduled price increases are posted at bottom of page.

Click image to enlarge.
Pagoda eve, Hangzhou, China 1987
Sponsored by Frank Consoli
Copyright Michael Seewald, all rights reserved

Click image to enlarge.
Chickenman, Xian, China, 1987
Sponsored by multi-sponsor Ike Moore
Printed on archival paper.
10 - 16"x20" framed to 23" x 28" ....$20,000
Increases to $30,000 after next sale.
Not available in any other size.
Three of 10 are spoken for on this image, 7 remain.
Scheduled price increases are posted at bottom of page.
Printed on archival paper.
10 - 16"x20" framed to 23" x 28" ....$20,000
Increases to $30,000 after next sale.
Not available in any other size.
Three of 10 are spoken for on this image, 7 remain.
Scheduled price increases are posted at bottom of page.

Click image to enlarge.
Lady in Red, Ningbo, China, 1987
Sponsored by Dr David Alanson

Click to enlarge.
Exterior, Stone Tablet Writing Museum, Xian, 1987.
Some of the China images were not chosen by the sponsors, like the one directly above, as we always have more images to chose from than we have sponsors. So if you would like to get one let us know. They are about 10% of the price, as they are not in a limited edition.
Un-sponsored image, thus unlimited, and also available in a variety of sizes.
Printed on archival paper.
11"x14" unframed .........$750
16"x20" unframed ......$2,250
24"x30" unframed ...... ..$3,250
30"x40" unframed .........$7,500
40"x50" unframed ........$15,000
Prices on originals of this series are listed below,
but due to limited edition rarity of this series the prices are much higher than standard, newer, and less limited Seewald art.
There are 25 images in this series, so many more to view, just ask.
About the prices on the 1987
sponsored China originals.
Note: All of the above images, except the two 'new' ones directly above, are from Seewald's second 'sponsored' series, created back in 1987 and released in 1988. Back then, 16x20's (40x51cm) were the only size Seewald made available, in editions of only (10) each.
When these sell out Michael will destroy the negative!!!
That is the reason the price increases with each sale.
Many years ago, the 25 sponsors of these images invested, sight un-seen, at $350 per 16"x20". Now, all of them are $20,000 minimum in value. Some of them (2) are up to $100,000 in value, due to sales!! Seewald allows only 8 sponsors to pre-purchase images 'sight-unseen' these days! Prices for sponsoring increase every couple of years. To sponsor your own, like over 350 other collectors have now done, see: Sponsor Program, see: Pricing History)
Pricing schedule
as of January 2012
Note: this schedule has been modified many times,
increasing dramatically over the decades, and will probably continue to do so!
Again, all of which are only available in the 16"x20" (40x51cm) size.
#1 - Sponsors image.
#2 - Seewald keeps this one.
#3 - Museums get this one.
#4 - $20,000 (The first available image to the public.)
#5 - $30,000 (Next available image to the public, etc.)
#6 - $40,000 " "
#7 - $50,000 " "
#8 - $100,000 " "
#9 - $500,000 " "
#10 $1,000,000 " " and then negative destroyed.
We still have most at the $20K price, but as each one sells, as you see, it increases! Some have reached the $30K, $40K, $50K and two even the $100K prices now (Pianoman and The Three Graces).
Seewald's original
1987 pricing schedule:
Believe it or not, the following was the original price list schedule. It has been revised a few times as Michael has completed more trips, won more major international awards and watched photographic art come into 'it's own' over the past three decades.
#1 - Sponsors image.
#2 - Seewald keeps this one.
#3 - Museums get this one.
#4 - $600 (opening night release price).
#5 - $700
#6 - $800
#7 - $900
#8 - $1,000
#9 - $1,250
#10 -$1,500 and then negative destroyed.
Michael was quoted, "Everyone I told my idea too GASPED of my proposed planned price increase chart when they first saw this set released back in 1988. Sponsor price was $350 (and they bought sight un-seen, as the program requires). All 25 sponsors waited one year from the trip to see and choose their favorite from 35 or so available images."
China Photographs, China photos, photograph
s of China Xian, Shanghai, Han
Click for Tibet 2004 series. (6)
Click for Sichuan Province 2004 series (37)
Click for Yunnan Province 2008 series (35)
Click for Dali, Yunnan Province, 2011 (16)
Go to Michael's 2011 Kunming, China museum exhibition:
Michael Seewald's 2011 Kunming China at
Yuan Xiaocen Museum photographic exhibition
Hundreds of more images from all these series,
all of Seewald quality, and are available for
licensing for publishing needs. Please
inquire. For 'stock photo usage' fill this out.
Photographs, China photos, photographs of China Xian, Shanghai, Hangzhou
Photographs of China, Chinese Photographs, China photos, photographs of China,
fotos of Xian, asian, investment art, collectables, expensive Shanghai art, Hangzhou, Guilin, beijing, bajing, asian art, collectable art of asia, chino.corporate art, art for corporations and businesses,