June 6, 7 and 8th,
Friday, Saturday and Sunday
Only $995
Add day 4, Monday, for only $295 more.
As of 12.'24- 2 of 6 spaces reserved.
This is a 'bonus class', all attendees will receive a complementary
Seewald original photo, an 16x20 of choice, valued up to $3,000!!
Yep, get lots of one on one time with Michael! Those that take day three report that the training 'all comes together' on day three, and that it was well worth it, besides... this is a 'BONUS CLASS', all participants taking all three days will receive a Seewald original of choice, a $1,000 value!
- Generally only 6 students per class, so call now.
- These sell out fast, contact soon, soooo limited!
- Too fun to be calles 'work-shops', our students call the 'fun-shops'! ;/)
A $200 deposit will hold your space.
Call to reserve- 858.245.0485
or E mail us.
Note: Have you looked at these dates here before?
THEN you may have to 'refresh' you browser
to see updated info; sometimes the computer
shows you the old info (the cache it's called) from looking before.
"I took this CARMEL class with hopes of truly understanding how to take good pictures on purpose and to finally answer my questions of correct f-stop and shutter speed combinations. This workshop answered all my questions, and more. ... If you are looking to perfect your skills or simply start at the beginning, this workshop will definitely get you going in the right direction.
...Michael explained concepts well and always gave examples of what he was talking about. It made things just that much easier to understand. For instance, I was having trouble understanding "fill flash", but he explained it very well and then had me practice a few shots that covered that concept. ..."
Rosy Rodriguez, intermediate photographer,
Monterey California
Carmel class of 8.11.2011

Michael poses with some of his Carmel class students
at the Highlands Inn, April 2008
Note: Karla Stevens, beginner, taller middle lady in upper row, has her testimonial below.
Carmel / Monterey
'fun-shops' with Michael Seewald
"These three and four day Carmel photo class/ workshops (aka 'fun-shops') are not to be missed. They generally fill up fast and provide great images that you will be able sell, if you are wanting to that is, Or to just hang them on your walls for you and your friends to appreciate for the rest of your life- guaranteed." MS
This is one great place to take an outdoor workshop. We not only learn all of the basics of good compositional factors, the do and don'ts of making art that keeps the viewers attention, but all of the technical skills needed to make them as well. We have a chance to apply all of the new knowledge in one of photography's heartlands. Ansel Adams, The Weston's (Edward, Brett and Cole) and a multitude of other serious fine art photographers (artists) have called this unique place home.

Click photo to enlarge.
Point Lobos State Park, Carmel California by Michael Seewald. All rights reserved.
We will usually work many of the areas best photogenic spots: Cannery Row; Big Sur; 17 Mile Drive; Fisherman's Wharf; Point Lobos; the Carmel Mission; the 'Barnyard' mall with it's terraced flower gardens; Carmel Village and quite a few other locations on and off the beaten path.
We will visit many of the photography and painting galleries in Carmel where Michael will point out how the compositional elements were used properly, or as in 90% of the time- improperly, and in no time the students are critiquing the art with that same critical eye.

Click photo to enlarge. Photo copyright Michael Seewald 6.30.'05. All rights reserved.
Advanced student Dan McGeorge shares images
made during the previous days class in Carmel.
He got so good he recently opened his own gallery, now that's a testimonial!
"Michael, My recent outdoor show in Santee, Ca. was a great success. ... I can't tell you the number of times people have looked at different pieces of my artwork and said "Wow!" It is exactly what you said would happen from the application of your principles. I am really jazzed about (the multi-day class) Carmel, I have my room and plane tickets already taken care of....Looking forward to seeing / learning from you again soon. "
Dan McGeorge,
Santee, Calif..

Click photo to enlarge.
Carmel Mission
We meet at local restaurants and enjoy breaking bread together and learning from Michael at the same time. Trips to various locations are taken with Michael driving, sometimes an extra driver/student helps take the group too. We take gallery tours and Michael critiques the work, as well as the students with their new found knowledge. One place we visit, the Highlands Inn overlooking Point Lobos State Reserve, usually has a splendid photography exhibit in the main lobby/bar area (see group photo above).
Depending on how many days you sign up for, of course, we also go to Point Lobos Reserve and work there, as well as the 'Barnyard' in Carmel Valley. Some go out to Big Sur to shoot stream and verdant green, moss covered trees/forests, as well as the beautiful beach waterfall at Julia Pfeifer State Park.

Click photo to enlarge.
Imsuk Lee and Robin Dias pose with Michael and their certificates inside the beautiful Pine Inn.
We also, again, time permitting, 'work' at the Carmel Mission and work throughout one morning there, and Carmel proper, shooting some of the hundreds of classic old homes that line the tree shrouded streets. Lots of nice art will be created, and some students have made the price of the class back in selling a few made from here!
We will return home in a good frame of mind knowing that our art is progressing (slow at first, then faster by the end of the class) in light-year proportions over past growth rates- (see testimonial pages).
"Michael's class was a very exciting experience for me. I knew the concepts of photography (mostly technical) but have not been at all successful in applying them when I'm out and about taking pictures I had no eye for composition and knew that was my biggest downfall in getting the pictures I so desperately wanted... Between the morning of day 2 and the afternoon of day 2 some remarkable things happened for me and it felt like my mind opened up and my soul smiled. I saw, I understood and I achieved knowledge and results that I've been struggling to obtain for a year. Michael helped me begin a journey of passion that I have wanted for so long and now I have the tools to spend a lifetime perfecting. Thank you Michael.....
Laura Gabel, intermediate level photographer,
San Diego, California.
Class of 7.14-15.'07
What a great way to really dive into your ‘fine art’ growth and make some great art worth hanging in yours, AND OTHERS', homes. Come and stay in the Carmel area, where Ansel Adams and the f/64 photography group regularly met and talked art photography with a contemporary master, just like they did.
Dear Mr. Seewald,
Admittedly (after signing up and reading the pre-class info on your site) - I am feeling a bit intimidated - I am brand spankin' new to the whole camera/photo thing and hope this class is not wasted on me (lots of $$ for a beginner) or too intense or stressful. I am in it for the 'fun' and am not interested in anything intense, competitive or too much like 'work' and thus far I am (while maintaining a perky attitude) completely challenged by the 'techno stuff' - not even sure I want to know this much detail.... hope I am simply having cold feet or buyers remorse and looking forward to having those symptoms relieved and dispelled.
Karla Stevens
Well, we 'quieted her fears' and here is her critique from the class after taking it, just a month later; first by the numbers and then written critique:
"...Michael, the workshop met my expectations. Delightful. Fun. Entertaining. This is what I wrote in an email to one of my friends:
"Last weekend I participated in a wonderful Photography workshop (3 days) in and around Carmel. The hands-on work was done at the the most beautiful and inspirational spots in Monterey County; The Mission, Old Town Monterey, Point Lobos, The Barnyard, Carmel by the Sea... What a wonderful place – where better to practice a new way of seeing and exercise my imagination.
The days averaged 9 hours plus gallery walks that followed. ...
The workshop is done in Carmel twice a year by Michael Seewald - he is funny, inspiring and entertaining as well as a master photographer - all the techie stuff would NOT have been lost on YOU - as for me, well, time will tell, I hope to hang on to some of the techie stuff and at least be able to create some beautiful art, with a camera, when I go to Europe in June. I was there for the inspiration, the brain exercise, to hang out w/ my Mom and Aunt Elise and for the creative stimulation - I was not disappointed and am blessed, really, holy cow, how great is this life!!"
How_helpful_was_class: 10 - Very helpful
How_satisfied: 10 - Very satisfied
value_for_the_money: About right
quote_me: ON
name: Karla Stevens, Salinas, Ca
Carmel class of 4.'08
NOTE: If you need a personal, 'live' testimonial, we are sure she, or many from hundreds, would volunteer to confirm these testimonials, just pick any name, they all have first and last listed, and ask us. MS