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Michael Seewald's Day Book journal
Art creating, sponsored series #62
April 8th to April 30th, 2014

Preview the series HERE


Update Thursday- April 10th,2014 2 pm.
In Buenos Aires. The Central Cordova Hotel, Retiro district.

Left two days ago, on a Tuesday morning, and with answered prayer, actually made the plane for my Dallas connection, but IT TOOK A MIRACLE TO START THIS TRIP- Here is the story... My ride did not show up, and my backup never answered the phone. Friend Sam Spadero turned around from going downtown after hearing I needed immediate help and gave my a last minute lift. He prayed for travel mercies and for my success in creating as we arrived, and I did not know I'd need those prayers just moments later. As I checked in with American Air they said I needed a form that said I'd paid my 'reciprocal fee' that Argentina charges (guess that's what they pay in taxes to come here). Nothing I'd read said it was required prior. (All other 'departure taxes', what is what I thought it was, are due before LEAVING the country. Argentina does not require a visa per se, but this requirement is like one it seems to me).

I asked her how I could accomplish this, and she put me in another line with a supervisor working it, both first class and regular class- but after going and waiting she said no, she could not help me, lectured that it was my fault for not knowing what was needed, which of course it was in a way (if their website had told me that on the purchase it would have helped, as it was stated it'd be needed, but DID NOT STATE needed BEFORE departing the USA!). She searched for a sheet explaining whom to contact, and what websites could issue it, found and gave me it, her personal one she said so bring it back, and wished me luck!

"...and I now saw she was my angel, and I thought I might just make this flight yet."

"Can I use a computer you guys have to accomplish this I" asked? No she replied, they didn't have one! NONE I thought? In this day and age- yeah right!  So oh man, now what? I went into survival mode you could call it, praying for wisdom. The sheet listed two contacts /websites in Argentina of two government agencies that issue the form and take payment. So I tried to use my new cell phone (my iPhone 4s bit the dust the day before, and I had to get a new one, and was learning it) to accomplish this. I know cell phones are not the same as websites, as most of us do, as they have different interfaces, missing a lot of the info and links regular computer websites have.

The website came up, but was all in Spanish.  I remembered viewing this site before, at home, and it had an English link button, none appeared now. I now prayed to find helpers (angels?) to accomplish this, someone that spoke and read Spanish, mine is limited. I went to the Starbucks close by, as I'd asked earlier if they had a computer with internet connection already, which they didn't, and she looked Mexican. I hoped she spoke Spanish, which thank God she did, but she could not find the section to pay any fee. Another lady came up and she asked her to help, she spoke Spanish too, but worked for Spirit Air- she figured she was better qualified than her. She, Patricia I came to find out, read the instruction sheet AA gave me, and helped me on their computers, and I now saw she was my angel, and I thought I might just make this flight yet.

..."We don't have a fax machine" he responded. Oh man, so close to making this flight. I started to wane, ..."

Sure enough, a site came up with more links, one being English. I quickly filled out the form but it would not advance to the next page, it would come up with an error statement. We tried for about 5 minutes, backspacing, re-filling out, etc.. I even tired going into the computer settings and looked to tell it to accept cookies that might be needed, nada. We then gave up and tried the other site listed, but it came up as non-existent- man o man! Time was running out... I thanked them and said I'd have to find another computer, they said if something came up, as the would keep trying, they'd try and find me. I went back to the AA manager, who repeated what she said earlier, with the lecture, and turned me away again (I figured if Spirit had connection to internet, AA would too, but if they did she would not admit it). She then suggested I find a travel agency. Well, how much time would that take, my plane would now leave in just 45 minutes?

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On my second night I found some great places to take some night reflections in Buenos Aires.

I figured if I went downstairs to look for some an office in some hallway to borrow a computer (I notice offices on my way up) would be my only way with what little time I had left, when one of the employees from Spirit came up and said they got into the second website afterall, and to come fill out the forms. COOL, thank you Lord. I went over and filled out an online form that would allow me to then 'log into' another page and fill out the 'purchase form'. This second set of forms, after logging in with my new account, was supposed to go a page that would accept the CC info. BUT That page would not load! We tried reloading the page, everything- SO CLOSE yet so far- again. Cookie problems again? But it advanced to all the other pages, so that did not make sense? I looked at the time again, I was sinking fast.

"..."We don't have a fax machine" he responded. Oh man, so close to making this flight. ..."

I then noticed a number in Argentina for an office on the bottom of the page. What if? What are the odds someone might answer, speak English, and be able to take my CC number and finalize this process, and then fax over the needed form in just the few minutes that I had left? Pretty slim I figured. I dialed, someone answered, and he spoke English. Thank you God I said. I explained my predicament as fast as I could. He then took my info and looked for the same on his computer, after finding it, and asking my login name and password I'd created, and said he'd found everything he needed to complete the sale! Eureka and TUL!  He took my CC info and processed the payment in short order, and said I would be good to go. I told him he was my newest angel (my forth or fifth it seemed, my they were adding up). He finalized it, and said he'd email me the receipt. EMAIL? "NO', I replied, "I need it faxed". That manager at AA had given me the fax number, I had it ready and in hand I told him.

"We don't have a fax machine" he responded. Oh man, so close to making this flight. I started to wane, wondering if AA would book me tomorrow now, or would I lose my $1,300 ticket? Negative thoughts, "stick with these angels", don't give up the ship, etc., I told myself.

Patricia got on the phone. She gave him her email address, and I started to see a plan. While she did, I asked her was there a way she could go get it printed out, and as I waited to hear her reply I looked, less that a half hour before my plane now left, they'd be closing down check-in soon, if it had not been already.

"...They said I'd better hurry, as I still needed to get through security! "

The guy got on the line with me, Patricia disappeared after seeing the email come in on her phone, and I gave him my email address to send it to also, just in case I guess. Patricia returned moments later with it printed out, wished me luck and I was, of course, ecstatic. Looks like I might fly today, that be a miracle at this point. I did not run, instead I whipped out a business card and told her to go to my website and pick a piece of art out, no charge, valued at $50 for a thanks. She thanked me and I ran back over to American, luggage, backpack and tripod all again, and sure enough, :LINES again. I walked up to the front, asked the guy if he didn't mind if I took cuts, that my plane was leaving in minutes. I told him I'd already waited three times, and that I'd had an emergency to take care of, and sorry, but had to take cuts. He didn't object, so I just stood there and an eternity seemed to go by.

The same manager who'd lectured me, of course, finalized my ticket. I tried to give her my business card and the same offer I gave Patricia, as she still helped me with that instruction sheet, but she refused, said she could not accept gifts- it would get her fired  I then turned to the man in the front of the line and gave him my card, and the same offer for not objecting to my taking cuts. They said I'd better hurry, as I still needed to get through security- OMG! So I did, got through without a hitch (sometimes they stop me and tell me my golf umbrella is not allowed- could be a 'weapon', or my tripod, 'could be a weapon' etc., and to go back and get it checked in as luggage (don't want to, expensive $500 carbon fiber tripods can break) and thu, taking up time- which would have negated this possible miracle), and ran to the gate. They were just boarding, I could now relax... I was going to continue, after all, on this my 62 world destination trip, TUL. And thank you, Sam Spadero, for going out of your way to help me, and then the prayers, they worked quite well so far. One never knows if all this would have fallen into place without them, do we? I personally don't think all these earthy angels would have shown up.

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Happy camper, on the way to Argentina. Here waiting to transfer in Dallas.

More to come, Lord willing, time to go make some art. Oh, while I'm at it, may as well note, more answered prayer here first. The computer would not boot, so I could start this day journal today, and was the same problem I had in Cuba. Don't know why, but put it in the refrigerator when I got back home, and it booted! Just asked reception here to do the same, and after 20 minutes took it out, and it booted right up- how strange. But I'm now in business- has to do with humidity I guess, and there is a bit here, but NOTHING like Cuba was.


Thursday- 4.10.2014 - 11:45 pm update.

Got back at 11 tonight, bushed but not too bad, as I had such a late start (tried to go to bed early, but midnight here is 8 at home, and I don't usually go to bed till 2 pm, a night owl). So hitting the sack six hours ahead of normal just did not work. Tried to a few times, so watched an the last half of old Bruce Willis movie, 'Last Man Standing', and then one about a Jack somebody, socialist in 1918 played by Jack Nicholson, Diane Keaton and Keanu Reeves in 'Something's Gotta Give)  but last I saw it was 4 am here, midnight for my body, and due to lack of sleep from all the flying and being worn out that finally did the trick.

BUT to get up a 8 as I'd wanted, was out of the question. Every bone in my body ached, from carrying all my gear over the many miles walked yesterday. So I snoozed till 9, then got up for my 'free breakfast'. I'd asked the guy if it included eggs and bacon when I'd checked in, and got a yes, but it really ended up being two golf ball sized muffins in cellophane and a coffee. I had it and, barely being able to walk the hallway, went back to bed. (Note to self, next time practice going on hikes with all the gear and get into shape- yeah right, like that's going to happen- I always start out weak like sheep, and come back STRONG LIKE BULL). I then slept on and off (maids vacuuming the halls is not conducive) till one.

Got up, showed and got the computer running (thus starting of Daybook above), then hit the streets.. Then over by a park with lakes just east of here (I'm in Ritero, a nice neighborhood near train stations, bus stations etc.). Found the walk thru the park was not along lakes like shown on the map, as million of water plants filled them all up- cat-o-nine-tails, tules, etc.. You could not see much water. But it was nice, and tons of bbq shops lined the walkway. I walked about two miles keeping an eye out- nothing. Then at sunset I went to take an iPhone shot and notice that it was pretty darn nice, and got the Hasselblad out and made some very interesting time exposures, like I always do, with movement from folks walking, biking, jogging and getting food at the kiosks, with great stormy clouds giving me great light and strong visuals to fill the sky, unlike yesterday, not a cloud in the sky.

Here is a fun night shot on my new iPhone 5s, only three days old,
from last night. These folks really run around fast!!!
Actually, he's one of those statue guys making money just
posing like a running man. So we'll conceived I thought.)

Upon cutting across to walk back via a different route, as I'd seen this one now, I came across a great scene of the open waterway that boats take and bridges cross over. It's so charming, and high end shops and tall buildings line it, and the lights were all reflecting, so I made a nice diptych after looking around. Wide angle with f/8 at 20 seconds. NOTE: ALL shots so far have been with the wide angle, that is about six in two days- very unusual to not use one of the other three yet.

Notice the wind came up and ruined the second shop, and went to the McDonald's behind me, grabbed a burger and a coffee, consumed it and saw the wind had stopped. Got all the camera gear out, on tripod, and got my shot- cool, TUL. Then figured McDonald's probably had free wiFi and sure enough, it did. Went and posted a couple of iPhone images from yesterday and today on Facebook, said hi to folks on that follow, checked e-mail, and then checked in with the lovely bride, Valerie. Then I headed back along this wonderful waterway, back towards the hotel, some two miles away. Stopped and picked up a large 'aqua con gas' for only $8 pesos (a dollar or less) and then stopped at 'The Portico Pirato' for a brew on the outside seating area- it was popular, and relaxed. It was now 10:30- I'd done good today, considering. I took off the jacket and photo vest and let the sweat dry (even though it's chilly out due to it being overcast and being night, the walking gets the blood flowing, and with the camera backpack pressed against the back it does not get air, thus it's always wet when I'm out working- what can one do?).

When I got in a half hour later I talked to the man at the counter, Miguel, and he said they had my remote fixed (as I'd left, I told him the helper had a hard time last night getting my TV (which is a little bit bigger than a loaf of bread) working, and that he kept hitting the remote to get it to work (I had the TV just star changing channels at will last night, probably missed a half hour overall trying to get it to work again). As we talked, he mentioned Turkey. I told him I'd been there and photographed it, he got all excited, so I showed him the shot of the covered market when I came back down with this computer (no refrigerator this time, TUL). His sidekick is Peruvian, and he got excited when I showed him my shot of Machu Piccu. What's neat, is I know enough Spanish to communicate so-so with this folks- what a blessing my dad was a Border Patrolman and got me inspired to also learn it, when I was back in Gila Bend, in the first grade.


So to catch up further, since it's now only 12.40 a.m. as all this typing takes time, I'll explain what happed when I arrived yesterday at the airport, which was at about 8.00 a.m.. I went through customs, fairly fast, but after getting the luggage got in a line that took over a 1/2 hr to wind through and get x-rayed before getting out. Then I found out the bus can be taken for cheap -$100 pesos, which is about $10, and that's the exact amount I'd taken out of the ATM. I'd not realized that it was not all that much money when I did, I was not sure if it was $100 US, or $100 AR either, the machine did not really spell it out- should have known but you get brain dead after a long flight and arriving in a strange (new-strange) country.

The ATM machine warns you that it will cost you $48 pesos for a withdrawal, ouch.  Found this charge to be the same amount even for $1,000 pesos taken out, which I did later in the day. I took the bus for the 45 minute ride into  the city, and had found a hotel the Lonely Planet guidebook recommended for the downtown area- a two star, simple and clean, and fairly quit, which is all I need. It was said to be $200, but with inflation (the book was from 2012) it was $270 ($27 US she said). They would not come down, even with offering to stay more days- oh well, sometimes they do. Sign says they take CC, so when I offered it they waned 10% additional- highway robbery, and I'd thought about going to look elsewhere, but with being so tired from the long trip, and from being overheated from walking the 5 blocks from the station in the heat of the day- with a bit of humidity, I decided another $2.70 would not kill me, so I took the room. It's slightly bigger than our home closet, with a single bed, and as mentioned, a TV about the size of a bread box hanging on the wall, but clean. Home sweet home.

So yesterday afternoon, after a three  hour nap as I was dead tired, I hit the streets. I did some shopping (cappuccino) to see how much stuff costs, to get the feel of things. What coffee costs, a bottle of water, a burger at Micky D's, etc., will help me realize what is what is short order. (To be continued, to darn tired for any more up dating, it being 1.30 am now- time to go relax in the room!).


Friday- 4.11 10.30 pm.
Did ok, got two photos today. First time with a lens other than the wide angle.

Got in about an hour ago. Got to bed early last night, about 2.30 a.m., and up at 9.30. Had my breakfast then showed up. Waited for the spare battery for the camera to charge (had charged the iPhone overnight- too many things need charging and I've got one outlet in the room! but I gave up after it being plugged in for two hours and still not getting full- had to hit the streets. It was about 1 p.m.. Legs and back were sore, but as I walked around everything relaxes and hurts less.

Pretty hungry for an American breakfast, but figure the odds? Did find a restaurant with 2 cheese and ham croissants and a coffee for $49 AR, so I rested a little- it was about 3 p.m.. Then saw a statue with a guy, solder it looked like, holding his hand out like someone holding a cell and snapping a selfie. My plan is to superimpose one in his hand. Maybe a GoPro on his head too, should be funnier than heck. I was headed over to the famous cemetery were Evita is entombed. The place looks like a mini-city with thousands of ornate mausoleums, a block and a half wide, and a block deep. After walking basically every 'street' there, I settled into a shot of a cobweb covered gate handle and lock- I know, weird, but a strong image none the less.

Stopped at a gallery on the way back, and found out it was 'gallery night'. Planned to go back after dinner, but was too tired. Got a steak and chips dinner, included wine and dessert for $120 AR, not a bad price, but they overcooked the steak, med-rare came out well done- wondered why it took so long- oh well, I'm not one to complain generally.

Checked my MeetUp site where I'm promoting my photo classes up in Carmel and San Fran now, lots of folks seem interested and I have to get back to their questions. Also, I brought out the new external hard drive so I will start back-ups of the art I've made so far. Pretty exhausted again, but day by day I'll get stronger.

Plan on heading out to destinations unknown tomorrow. Will change dollars for pesos, the hotel offered 9.5 to the dollar, about 1.5 more than the banks. Found one hotel that would give 10, but they only wanted $100 dollar bills, and I changed all mine into 20's before leaving the states, it's usually easier in most other countries. Hopefully this one will not balk at $20's.


Update 4.13.'14, Sunday night

Well, yesterday turned out to be a wash. First, it turned freezing cold overnight. Tried to find a phone shop that sold me a bogus phone card, and although it was not for much money, the principle of the thing was what bugged me. On the way, which was over by the Evita's cemetery which I'd worked, some idiots tried to get me into an area to clean up some crud they threw on me from the second floor above as I walked by. I'd read of the ploy on 'dangers and annoyances' in the Lonely Planted tour book, so I know of the ruse. Well, more like reminded me of it, I knew of it from past warnings, but never had anyone try it with me. Funny thing was, I did not know they were trying it, not until an hour later when I found the 'bird poop' it was supposedly to be (actually some mixture of mustard, ketchup, honey and dark sauce). A lady came up to me after what I thought was a plant leaf hitting me on the head and pointed at the tree and said something in Spanish I did not understand. I just kept walking after trying to see what she wanted, figured something was not right as she was trying to get me to an entrance to the building a few feet away.

Anyway, went all the way to the cemetery and then back. When I stopped for a coffee, and took my gear off the relax, I noticed all the crud all over my photo vest, camera bag and tripod bag, and some on my pants. Used the bathroom but it did not come off easily. Can I call them a dirty name here? Wish. As I continued back I stopped and saw a guy on the second floor balcony, waiting for another unsuspecting tourist to rob/kill? I stared him down, and he went inside. I'd of told a cop, and although they are every where, did not see on in five minutes of waiting- oh well.

I called it an early day and put my gear away and went on an errand run. I wanted to get a good chorizo sandwich, change money, and find a place to get my Italian phone working. First, the phone. I asked a hawker where I could get a sim card changed, and she took me to the back of an 'interior strip mall' and the lady gave it a good try, I hope. As when it didn't work, I bought a cheap phone from her, and charger. Only $20, and was told to go 'buy minutes now'. Ok, but first I noticed some tourists that were taken back by her shop, to change money, did so with her neighbor. I thought it seems safe, as he actually had a shop, so I approached him and I went for it, getting 9.9 to the dollar- cool. He would have gone 10, but he said 20's were not as good as 100's, as I'd heard elsewhere. Oh well, so much better than 8.5 at the banks. Changed $500, have another $400 or so for later.

Then I found a shop that sold 'minutes' and you put in cash in a machine, punch in your phone number, and voilà, a message goes to your phone saying you've got minutes (be nice to know how many, but that depends on long distance or local I'm sure). Called Valerie right away to say hi.

Followed up this success with finding a good, cheap chorizo sandwich joint, that a tout sent me to. This one was GREAT, and only $20 AR too. Even ordered a steak sandwich for $33 AR, along with a small bottle of Merlot, all told only $113AR ($11 US).

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The scene never changed on the way to Mar Del Plata

Got to bed at 1.30, up at 9,30 and to the bus depot by 11. Found one headed to Mar Del Plata at 11:30, and got the ticket for $27 US, for a seat that almost folds down. The 'sleeper one' that does was only another $3, but it was daytime, and my five hour trip would have lots of sights, right? Wrong. It looked the same for the whole 5 hours, but that's cool.

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Had heard the buses were very comfortable, and they surely were.

Arrived and tried to dig up Daniel Williamson's number, a gentleman associated with my church, Calvary Chapel, whom said to touch base when I got to town. But it was on my computer, and none of the wiFi's worked at the bus terminal that were said to. A good 45 minutes was spent with nice folks at kiosks that then tried to find his website on their internet connections using their phones. I eventually found a form on his site, no number, and sent him mine. Then I found connection and got his email address and sent him that too.

Then I tried talking to fancier hotels into looking at my art for a trade out, one said no, the other said 'in a while'. So I tried the cheaper place too, for backup, and found a youth hostel for $150AR that had four bed, but only me to be in it, cool. It's a 'surfer' hotel, called Hostel Del Mar, and Patricio, the guy that owns/runs it, is a surfer. I took it as the other hotel guy did not like photo-art he said after all. His loss. Was offering an 11x of choice valued at $1,000 for three nights of his $350 room (only $100 US).

Glad I did too, the youth hostel atmosphere I miss. I feel more at home than at a fancier hotel, since that's how I rolled the first few years of traveling/working. Big benefit is like minded travelers that share info.

Found out where I could go get a meal, and tried my luck. Had none, nothing around like the place I'd ate at last night, and went with McDonalds. Was ok, chicken sandwich w/ fries and coffee.

Then I called Dan, whom email'd me his number. We chatted briefly and I have him meeting me in the a.m. for coffee together. He just found a place w/ American breakfast, after two years of living here (he'll return to N. San Diego in June) and told me about it after I asked if he knew where I could get one- TUL (thank U Lord).

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This is why I would not come here in the winter (their summer).
BILLIONS of folks gather.

Oh, I saw giant waves breaking as the taxi came to the area along the beach, can't wait to work them.


Monday, 04.14.2014

Well, after working on these updates last night I hit the sack at about 2 a.m. again. I slept fairly well, telling Patricio, the hostel owner, not to worry about getting my heater working, I'd just stack up three blankets to stay warm and save him money. That was good and bad. Good, it saved him money, and he appreciated it, and bad as it was a bit cold, probably down to 40 in the room, but I lived. I met Dan as planned and we walked the 8 blocks to get my American breakfast- believe it ran $77AR, and included a lot of bacon, eggs and a big bowl of fruit, with coffee. After wards he took me to an overlook of the whole city, which was splendid, and it was not far from the hostel, where we stopped for me to get my gear.

So today was a good one, light wise and swell wise- the Atlantic storm was the biggest my friend Dan has ever seen here he said. He also said it would be wise to buy a bus ticket to Mendoza, the next place I'd like to shoot, as Easter is coming up and tickets may be hard to get- good idea.

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A shot from close to the hostel.

So on the way I shot some nice stormy big wave shots with the pier in the background. These powerful 8' waves, that surged all the way out to infinity, were absolutely mesmerizing, mostly due to the fact THEY WERE ALL OFF SHORE BLOWN. It took me about 3 hours I'd guess just getting around this one harbor that is only a few hundred yards wide, trying to capture the perfect shot, which I believe I did.

As we went through the downtown area, he suggested we take a taxi the 12 or so blocks to the station, and after my first empanadas, one chicken and one beef, yum, we did. We went to the station I'd come in from yesterday and found out it's a 22 hour bus trip, it's over by Chile in the west. So I got the ticket from the same company too, Rapido Argentine, but it will be with their sister company. I got the first class sleeper, lower level, for $770 AR, cool!

We walked back almost to the beach, a long way for a tired photographer, and the sun finally came out, so I was too hot too. We finally found the bus stop he'd expected to find blocks ago, and we went to meet his wife and two sons at a park on the beach (bus 40 pesos each). At 5 p.m. I met Michelle, his wife, and his two sons, 6 and 4 years old- real sweet guys. We had a coffee and a ton of churros, then went to the beach and I made some great explosion shots on the rocks, and then one of the small southern port that the boys said 'I made look like day-time'. Funny what long exposures and a tripod can accomplish.

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Malakai, Michelle, Isaac and Dan
Williamson bread with me at a pizza joint.

At dark, about 7, we headed to a pizza place about 7 blocks away and had two wonderful pizzas, and then I caught a taxi back, some 15 blocks away ($28AR). Had a coffee and started this update, in between trying to close a deal on 'Split Artist, but  not in Split' of my Croatia series that my helper Nicholas MacConnel is working on (he sold them two of my pieces and two of Laura's, the other artist at the gallery), and then two folks interested in my photo classes, then info to Valerie to help her be able to call me on my phone- she can't still, with three different ways to tried- oh well. Very tired, maybe get to bed early tonight, 12.30 a.m.. Dan said he'd join me to keep me company about noon tomorrow, no idea where I'll be, maybe take a bus 20 miles away to see what's south of here. Good night world.

PS Still socializing with my fellow hostel-mates, a lot of nice folks.


Tuesday, 04.15.2014 Midnight

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Worked the port today, but lack of clouds hampered me quite a bit.

Dan showed up a bit late, 1 p.m., and so I had time to catch up on business. We took a bus to the port, where I grabbed a lunch, two seafood empanadas (me first ones ever were yesterday, Dan and I got some downtown, chicken and beef ones, they are like pot-pies, very tasty and low priced).

We hung around the port, slowly looking for images, but lack of clouds did not help. We then got on another bus and headed further south, for me to see 'what if', but nothing grabbed my eye and we got back to the port at 4, where I got off and Dan went home to get some dinner prepped.

I meandered around the port, and got the 'big camera' out and started to work, but nothing I shot much moved me. One that did, was a side lit front of a ship, all corroded with the name Francisco A partly showing, but the light changed fast and I don't know if it was all that strong. Got another so-so before leaving at 6 p.m..

Waited for a bus but decided to take a taxi to there home, and Dan had just started the coals. He explained to me that Carne asada here just means 'meat', and these were nice thick steaks and baby back ribs. Also, about eight 'chorizos' were put on right away, these were to be appetizers (and chorizo here is not like chorizo back in San Diego, which is a spicy sausage. Here it just means sausage.

We had a great dinner, Michelle made fries and a salad to go with it. Took a taxi back at 11 p.m., and the 10 block drive was only $3 American. Posted some photos on Facebook so I could then download them to the computer and then into this Day Journal, as for some reason I can't download them directly from my new iPhone, oh well.


5.1.14 Just got home yesterday, and due to the laptop not booting properly, I've been posting all my updates on my Facebook page- https://www.facebook.com/pages/Michael-Seewald-Galleries/358997330836316

So I'll copy and paste those here, along with further details added that I did not have time to post.


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Some fish waiting for purchase and consumption, Harbor, Mar Del Plata


Got up early and went and worked the port again today, with answered prayer as I had a nice cloud layer, giving me soft light. I made about three or four nice images, some diptych and some triptych.


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Taking a coffee break at Cafe Helados, Mar Del Plata


After my coffee break I took the local bus as far north as it went, scouting out possible shots, and then took it back to town. I decided to work the pier and did until dark. Time exposures of eight seconds towards the end, super ethereal and the pier has such character! Killing them here- again.

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Worked the old pier, and with the time exposures
got some great movement, as shown on the digital back.

Stopped and got a sandwich downtown and took a bus back to the hostel. Good day today.





I'm to go to Mendoza, the wine country over near the Andes, later today, a 22 hr bus ride! Worked the port again this morning. The sea lions give a show just being alive there, movement is a bonus with these guys, even more so when the dogs think they should not be out of the water. Funny stuff.

Dan was nice enough to join me on my trip to the bus depot, taking a taxi from the hostel at around 1 p.m.. I got on the bus and found the bottom level 'cama' seats to be quite comfortable. They are 30% larger than the 'semi-cama' ones, although the incline is about the same, a 45 degree angle. I slept quite well, and was in good shape when I arrived the next morning.



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Here is one of my many 'angels' of the trip.

Angels abound.

We'll, after a 22 hr bus ride it's nice to run into angels, those folks that go above and beyond just giving a little, or in many cases, no help at all. This is Jorge Ariel Mejica, who works for one of the dozen or two bus companies. Sometimes these stations have free WiFi, but most don't, including here in Mendoza, the Napa-Sonoma of Argentina.

So I walked around looking for connections, and get told by some, even though it reads it's on, that it's not, so they don't give out passwords. We'll, Jorge said it worked, and then logged me in so I checked e mail. I found the contact number for Leo, a pastor with Calvary Chapel affiliations here supplied by my last angel, Dan from Mar Del Plata. He'd sent it while I was traveling.

But the phone number did not work??? I asked if Jorge would go online for me and find a number (for 'Iglesia la Vid) and he did, then called Leo for me. He also helped me figure out if my phone worked properly by calling me, and also helped me figure out why his could call Leo and mine wouldn't -I needed to add a city code since my phone is from BA (Buenos Aires). TUL, and thank you Jorge for being a human being extraordinaire.


4.20.'14 AM

Went to a nice town 16km from Mendoza called Maipu yesterday. Its known for some of the finest Malbec wine production in Argentina, which is now known as a contender of the highest quality produced anywhere.

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Enjoying the afternoon snack, empanadas, at Mavi winery, Maipu.


Did not find an award winning image, but met some nice people, like Mar Muñemuñe and her boss at Mavi winery. Here I'm enjoying one of their superb cheese and jamon empanadas.


4.20.'14 PM - Easter Sunday

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Attending Easter service in Maipu, at Iglesia la Vid.

Big blessing day.
A bit bummed I could not celebrate the Lord's resurrection with the lovely bride Valerie at our own Calvary Chapel in Carlsbad, but I did get to in the small town of Maipu this morning, at 'Iglesia la Vid'.

The big blessing was while taking a cab to the bus station that would get me out there the cabbie started speaking English, BECAUSE he'd lived in Florida for some nine years. I asked him, Hugo, if he'd like to drive me around the foothills here in exchange for photo lessons as I got out and he said sure! Wow!

I told pastor Leo after service and he said in all his years here he never met anyone, that like him, had gone to the USA and come back- a God-incident for sure. (You see, hardly anyone here speaks good English, and my Spanish is poor at best).

PLUS the pastor volunteered to also take me around for a day. Wow, TUL!

(UPDATE- the taxi driver ended up being a bit of a fraud, giving me a bad phone number- oh well).



Went out with Pastor Leo and two of his friends today looking for photos in the wine region, which like many areas where grapes grow well, so do olive trees.

Showed pastor Leo my photo of some olive trees (just the bases, many seem like crusty old characters from The Seven Dwarves, each one with their own personality).

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Pastor Leo creeping around looking for a shot.

He did not have a long lens like I did (I was shooting through a fence where I took this iPhone snap of him), so he had to get right up on them to get something similar. Got two very nice photos out of three made today.

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Balsamic vinegar, Laur products



The following reconstructed from Facebook updates, since computer would not work, but cell phone uploading to Facebook did.



April 22nd


Breakfast included.

Well, most hotels have 'breakfast included'.
That's usually great as I'm a big breakfast guy, figuratively, and afraid lately, a bit literally too!

BUT here, that means a croissant and coffee, sometimes juice, whether in a home or hotel! In Italy it's the same, but there I get those croissant w/ a dark choc strip inside. Ohhhhh!

Off to fun... I mean work. More wineries, where I stick my nose into every nook and cranny to ferret out a shot.

PS My day book journal has not been updated, praying for a new miracle, that the repair shop can get my laptop screen to light up again, it went black. Says it running ok, just can't see it (plugged in a separate monitor and it was fine).


April 23rd

Welcome to newest sponsor John Cashman! Sponsoring this series.

Just finished working the wine museum, one of two, and got three shots. The winery part is called Bodega Rural. Off to the other one in seconds.


April 23rd

Cell phone snaps

Stumbled into an interesting foundry that builds wine barrels today. 'Big' Camera messed up after getting this, was not sure if I'd lost it, but back up copy looks great, maybe lost two shots from 10 taken, TUL! Camera battery died, just after nailing some great shots here, and spare did not get charged last night. I'd complain to management of this enterprise, but that's me!


The hotel owners son. I helped dad babysit him as mom (Ivana Nuñez de Lorenzo) worked nights. This little guy has so much energy, we could not tire him out, or get him to go to bed very early. Maybe we just played with him too much!!!



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The family at the hotel adopted me and gave me a farewell, famous 'Argentinean Steak' dinner. Barley had time to get back
to Mendoza town to get my bus to Cordoba.


April 25th

Took another long bus ride and made it to Cordoba, headed north with Iguaçu the final destination, as I'm running out of time to get up there and shoot the falls. Can't miss those, right?

Had a great time shooting in the pedestrian only streets here in downtown Cordoba. Got another few winners to add to the collection.

The hotel family had a relative there that I was supposed to meet.  Did not work out, but she saw me working the city center, by 'chance' she reported on my facebook page.

Was trying to get onto the train platform but security would have none of that. There were some really old trains in the back part. Not to be discouraged I went into the historic restaurant, no one there but the barkeep. Found some nice light streaming into a corner setting. Off to Santa Fe on an 5 hour bus ride.


April 26th

Another bus ride and stopped to shoot another town. Really like this one, small.
Working the night scenes here in Santa Fe, Argentina and just finished making one heck of a great shot of a market facade.

Afterwards a large old building caught my eye across the street. It was a train station. Inside, another old restaurant/bar! Wow, two in one day! But unlike the one this morning in Cordaba, this one had a micro-brewery run by one Ernesto Teplitzky and his lovely daughter Melisa, called 'Brew Pub'. I told him we had a ton of them in San Diego, but he said it had not taken off here.

I told him I was an artist from San Diego and he said he had a niece there! He had me sit down and treated me to a wonderful red beer and just delivered a 'river fish' empanada.


Photo by helper, Sophia Belini.

What's really nice is all the water around, the Parana river runs through the town (yeah, THAT parana).

April 27th

Made it to the famous Iguazu falls. I was coming down with a bit if the flu when I arrived to town, which made it hard to walk the trails to go get a possible shot, had very little energy- 1 or 2 on a 10 scale.


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Iguazu Falls

The spray was something to be reckoned with. Went to bed early and went thru the standard symptoms, but prayed it be over with quickly as I fly back starting in four hours. Doing ok, but not much energy still. Was a great trip overall.


April 29th

Arrived Buenos Aires just now. Have an 11 hr flight in 5 hrs to Dallas, then a three hr to SD. Get home tomorrow at 10.30 am. Love traveling, but I love being home too.

Don't cry for me Argentina!

Well, after three weeks here it finally rains as I head to the Intl airport! I think the country is going to miss me... and I it.



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Soli Deo Gloria